1 thought on “Earthquake

  1. Melanie T USA today just said a 5.1 earthquake hit Los Angeles.

    Cassie W My parents are out there this weekend and just called to say they hate that place. Instantly thought of you guys. Welcome to California

    Bill N Beth C There were actually 3 quakes today. The 5.1 mentioned above was the largest and probably the one you felt. I guess its part of living in California. Cross your fingers that they don’t get bigger. Might be worth getting the “what to do” scoop from the veterans.

    Julie M 5.1 sayeth the news. just a baby. i’ll pray you never see a biggie.

    Terry R It is a weird feeling…

    Cassie W My friend said it was a side to side one. Those are better than the vertical. Hope your welcome is over and you can enjoy CA living

    Amy H Scary stuff! Prayers that you all remain safe. Congrats on the new job!!

    Linda V A friend also felt it in Huntington Beach

    Bill N Beth C Now you’re true Californians !

    John W overdue for the 122 year 8.0 – statistically on borrowed time, probably one time where Fraking could relieve stress and prevent a catastrophe

    Chuck D There is a song that kinda says the same. Be safe guys.

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