Natural History Museum

We attended a free homeschool day at the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. This place is huge! There are three official floors, but mezanines and in between areas. They have archeologists’ labs where they have windows and you can actually see them cleaning fossils and artifacts that they have unearthed. Gemstone and mineral room, bird room, dino hall, African mammals (and an ostrich), North American mammals, LA area animals exhibits, art . . . on and on. The kids liked the gemstone area more than I thought they would and kept asking me to take pictures. They are fairly high tech with tons of touch screen computers and digital displays to go with the actual displays. We probably only saw half of the place, we didn’t go outside at all. There is a butterfly exhibit and rose garden and other outdoor sections. We will definitely have to go back to see some of the stuff we missed and re-see some of the other areas.

All photos here

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