1 Week Checkup

Joel is one week old! In many ways, it doesn’t feel like it since we’ve only had him home for 2 nights, but in other ways last week was so very long. J is a great baby. I thought my other kids were laid back, but this guy is happy as long as he isn’t hungry. Every now and then he’ll get a little over stimulated by his siblings and needs momma to help him soothe, but mostly he eats and sleeps and makes diapers. He plays a little bit during the day, but so far we haven’t had any rough nights other than multiple feedings. He goes to others for holding and takes a bottle of pumped milk (Hannah was dying to feed him), guess he isn’t too picky. 🙂
His feeding pattern is a little bit hard on me though. He likes to cluster feed (every hour or so) for a few feedings and then pass out for 3 to 4 hours. Hopefully, I’ll start to regulate a little bit so I can be more comfortable.

His one week checkup put him at 9 lbs 2 oz, so he is already gaining weight back. The ped was impressed with that. His head circumference and weight at 90th percentile and his height is 98th. Yep, big boy. Doctor seemed to think we was doing really great and we don’t need to go back until one month.

So very thankful to Glenn and Pat for being here. The older kids did really good, but you could tell that having mom and dad be gone a lot was starting to wear on them. Also for G and P extending their stay awhile to help the kids and I transition since I’m not supposed to drive until next week. We love you!

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