Time Change

Hannah is having a hard time with this time change thing. She says. . . “I just don’t understand how this works. . . time can’t just disappear, it has to go by . . . how do you ‘lose’ an hour?” 😉 I guess we aren’t explaining it very well.

1 thought on “Time Change

  1. Lacey W It isn’t lost – it just migrated to November.

    Jenny B I had to look for youtube videos to explain. Sasha just nodded and smiled. Not sure she got any of it.

    Judy B I hear ya Hanna, I have trouble understanding this whole changing of the time thing myself

    Donald B Tell her you are saving it for winter

    Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring It’s hard to keep the sarcasm out when explaining this silly plan of our’s to ‘change’ time. 😉

    Kerri H Show her some Doctor Who. That’ll explain it.

    Timothy R We always told Jonah to call and ask Grandma. He totally thought she knew everything.
    Shelley S I love the grandma answer. Ours would be Opa. Opa can do no wrong. And Hannah’s smart girl!

    Erin S We just changed the clocks during naptime. No explanation needed.

    JamesnJana D We change our clocks the night before and just wake up to the new time.

    Ashley M Remind her that time is real, and it always passes, you can tell by watching babies grow, but naming time is what humans do. Like if you adopt a new dog, its name might be fido, but you rename it rex. It’s the same dog, just a different name. We just renamed the hours until fall, so its brighter earlier.
    Our explain the equinox, the tilt of the earth, the way the days stretch and how it will get dark later as the summer goes on. So the time change allows people more time after school/work to do things during the warm months before it gets cold again.
    Of course, my explanation would be “its dumb!”

    Bob S Who can?

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