Joel Update

This 15 month old is 95% for weight, 85% for head circumference, and 75% for height. So, he needs to back off the milk a little bit, but he’s overall equally big all around! He loves sticks or things he can hit and make noise with, balls are a lot of fun, and he just got to go on his first plane ride. He continues to be super happy all the time even with the continuous ear infections he’s been having. We’re going to see an ENT at the end of the month to talk about tubes. We love you baby J!

2 thoughts on “Joel Update

  1. Hannah B Such a happy little man ❤️

    Janie S He is just super cute. 🙂

    Amara R He’s adorable! Good work, mom and dad! 😉

    Toni T He’s so dang cute! Our 15 month old is the exact opposite, in the 25th percentile for height/weight/head. He got eat tubes and still has ear infections all the time, but at least it’s all able to drain out now.
    Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring As long as they are proportional, it’s all good. 🙂 Hannah had tubes and it made a big difference, so we’re hoping it will help him stay healthier.

    Lucille C What a cute little man he is. And always smiling.😄 He is just a package of love

  2. Maria T Joel is a happy baby. Love him…and hope his ear will get well soon.

    Hannah M I love my baby brother,
    and he’s so cute too!
    You have to love , or at least like , him…Right?

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