
Hannah is learning about hooks (sentences to grab your attention) and continuing paragraph formation. I think she did a great job:

My work has paid off, I have learned a lot!
The platypus is a very amazing mammal. The platypus has a way of protecting itself, on its back legs (only back legs)it has a poison spike… The platypus is 1 of the 3 poisonous mammals. The platypus also has an electric-sensor inside of it, the platypus closes it’s eyes under the water so it has no way of finding its food…but it finds the electrical movements and swims towards the shrimp. And guess what els,the platypus lays eggs. This is certainly a very awesome creature!

1 thought on “Hooks

  1. Allie W Platypus! Cool. My first thought on hooks was Meghan Trainer 😳.

    Kerri H That’s so neat, Hannah! You are a terrific teacher! (Have you learned about alliteration yet?)

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