1 thought on “New Look

  1. Hannah M i just like my new koolaid hair so much!

    Beck F We did that to Gabriella’s hair 2 years ago. If she showers before bed it will come off on the pillow and sheets and pjs. Just fyi.
    Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Yeah, she got it a little wet in the bath and it was dripping. I told her we’ll have to watch it.
    Beck F Gabriella’s did that for a long time after. I’m not sure why. :/
    Beck F By the way it looks very good!

    Kerri H Snazzy! Maybe next time “hidden rainbow” hair on the bottom layer? 😀
    Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Ok, that is too much work. Haha
    Kerri H I’ll do it! 😉 Lol
    Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Kerri, she wants to do blue next time. My sister tried blue and it didn’t work very well. Maybe we need to try each of the colors first before trying something like that.
    Kerri H I imagine it that might require bleaching, which really is too much work!
    Diane S Her hair is so light, I couldn’t imagine it would need bleach.

    Gregory S Oh, Hannah, quick! Stop! Drop! and Roll! before the fire goes any further 😉

    Diane S It looks awesome! So fun! Let me know how blue goes.

    Ashley M There is a conditioner for you hair called Overtone. It’s got no bleach, and the more you use the conditioner it becomes brighter. Maybe you could try that some time. It comes in a variety of colors and is good for your hair 😃

    Stephanie G Fun! It always scared me to try funky colors with my light hair, but it looks great on Hannah!

    Char C How fun

    Janie B I’m digg’in it!

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