Becca’s Bible Study

Spring 2004 – 1st Corinthians

We agreed last semester to study 1st and 2nd corinthians but I think we have our plates full just trying to do 1st Corinthians.

Fall 2003 – The Study of David

I haven’t done an old testament study yet, so I’ve decided we are going to study David this upcoming semester.

Spring 2003 – Theory of Evolution and James

For the first couple of weeks I want to do a study on the theory of evolution versus the creation story told in the bible. Lee Strobel investigates this “barrier for faith” in his book The Case for Faith. We will spend however much time we need discussing and learning about evolution and then looking at scripture. Hopefully when everything is accounted for we will have learned a lot and have a greater appreciation for the awesome work God has done in creating us.

After that, we will study James.

Fall 2002 – Galatians and Ephesians

Galatians: We will begin the semester with a look at Paul’s letter to the Galations.

Background: Paul had been in Galatia before and spread the gosple there.After he left Galatia to preach in other towns, a group of Jewish men went around trying to preach that you had to be circumsised to be a Christian. They were also saying that Paul was not one of the original Apostles, he was “self-appointed”, and therefore should not be listened to. Paul’s letter seeks first to affirm himself in the Galatians eyes and then to tell them that these Jewish men were totally wrong.

The underlying theme is GRACE THROUGH FAITH!
There is nothing we can do (i.e. Be circumsised) to deserve or receive God’s grace. After we read and study Galatians we will try to get through Ephesians.

Spring 2002 – Acts

This semester we will be using a study guide called Shepard’s Notes and studying the book of ACTS.
Throughout the semester, I will be posting relevent verses and discussion from each week.
The first week we read from a book called “Jesus Freaks” – DC Talk and the Voice of the Martyrs and we discussed what it is like to be a persecuted Christian and how thankful we are that we can practice our beliefs freely with out fear.

Fall 2001 – Weekly Topics

When it all began . . .At home I had been attending a Generation X worship service called The Soul Cafe. After moving to College Station I realized that I was missing the fellowship of bible study I had there and decided that I was going to start a bible study. After talking to a couple of my friends and sending out an email to anyone interested, the bible study lunch group began. The goal was to eat at all the different campus locations because many of us have never been to all of them. We started late in the semester so only met five times, but next semester looks promising.