
I saw Ben pretend play for the first time this morning. He picked up his new toy phone and put it up to (the back of) his head and said “huhh”. 🙂 Who taught him how to talk on the phone? I’ve never seen him do that with our real ones.
Oh and Hannah was the superstar of the 3 and 4 yr old room this morning! She was the only one interested in tracing the letters on her handout. Her teacher was impressed.

1 thought on “Pretend

  1. Julie M I’m pretty sure big sissy gets the credit for that. We spend quite a bit of time on the phone in nursery. A few weeks ago, she had me call Heaven to talk to Miss Carla’s daddy, he was playing on a cloud with an angel. You and Daddy call often to check in on the kiddos.

    Kathy W You have super bright kiddos, Becca, not surprised by these early milestones, great work you do with them both!

    Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring Thanks Kathy! They just continue to surprise me.

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