StarVision Technologies

Software Engineer

Software and hardware design for the development and test of innovative sensor systems.

College Station, TX

Spring 2004 to Summer 2005

Reference: Dr. James Ochoa, Michael Jacox


VisNav_ClosedLoopDockingVisNav is an optical navigation system that determines the relative 6DOF between two entities. The government has much interest in this technology for the autonomous rendevous and dock of unmanned vehicles, particularly Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and spacecraft. My contribution to the project was hardware and software design of peripheral components and test systems. In particular, I developed a differential drive robot that included a high precision stepper motor for an upper turntable that provided a real-time, 3DOF demonstration and testing platform. The mobile platform used a variety of sensors, motors, and processors to achieve responsive control.

  • StarVision to Deliver Aerial Refueling Capability for Unmanned Demonstration


StarTager is a niffty device that allows the user to identify a star in the sky simply by pointing at it with a laser pointer. Using star camera algorithms and concepts, StarTagger then identifies the star and provides educational information about it. I contributed to the firmware and software development of StarTagger.

  • StarVision Secures Exclusive License to Star Identification Software