Hannah Beth

Hannah Beth Moehring

Birth Date: Feb 9th

Activities: Very artistic, loves reading, dancing, singing, volleyball, and basketball

– To view (lots and lots of) other Hannah pictures, Click here.

– We’ve moved all of our Hannah emails and updates to posts now and can be found under the Hannah category. Check them out to see what she’s been up to.

Gift ideas for Hannah can be found here.

Baby HannahBirth Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz
Birth Length: 21 inches
Behind the Name: The name Hannah has significance to us for several reasons. First, it’s a pretty name and not very common. Second, it’s a palindrome, and that’s just cool. Third, Hannah is an inspirational character from the old testament who was barren until she dedicated her child to the Lord’s service. Through her faithfulness, the Israelites received one of their greatest spiritual leaders, Samuel. This story of hope resonates with us because of our own losses attempting to start our family, and because we are excited to see what the Lord will do through us and Hannah in the future. The name itself means favor or grace.
Beth was a simple choice because Nate’s sister’s name is Beth and Becca’s sister’s middle name is Elizabeth. Plus it sounds good with Hannah. 🙂