Boy Talk

Parents of little boys… Any recommended age appropriate discussion material about my son’s boy parts? I really have no idea on this topic since I have sisters and attended the girls version of sex ed.

1 thought on “Boy Talk

  1. Deborah H There are age appropriate books at book stores that cover that subject.
    Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring I know, but if someone has a rec, I’d rather look at that than dig through stuff that might not be any good.

    Cassie W The American Girl version of this book was great but probably not appropriate for his age (remember them in a few years…) The Boys Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up YOU

    Emily G As a nurse, important to call it what it is so there is never any confusion.

    Carolyn L This is the book that I use with the boys right now. It is a nice gentle introduction. I just read the book to them on every couple of months unless they ask sooner. Christopher actually asked to have it read just a couple of weeks ago.
    How Babies Are Made

    Carolyn L This is the book I will use when they are around 9ish.
    Where Did I Come From?

    Julie M I always called it its real name, never allowed silly names for it. At Ben’s age, mostly talked about cleanliness. But I was always honest about the rest too at a pretty early age since they tend to hear about it in public school. You have that one beat!

    Sarah M I read this blog and found it incredibly helpful for safety in general
    “Tricky People” Are the New Strangers

    Sarah M We’ve always felt that the anatomically correct names are the best approach and this is something my pediatrician has confirmed. Pet names are typically a warning sign of something fishy going on with someone else around the kids

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