Benjamin 2 Week Update

Benjamin’s jaundice has cleared up and he has mostly recovered from his circumcision. He is almost 2 weeks old. He has regained his birthweight plus (was 9 lb 2 oz on Wed). Our family has all headed back home, so Nate and I have survived our first day with two kiddos by ourselves. Our nanny will be here in the mornings this week and Nate will probably be coming home to check on my in the afternoons for awhile. We feel very blessed to have very good children so hopefully we’ll get into a good rhythm quickly.

I know we aren’t supposed to ‘compare’ our children, but it is amazing how different they are. Nate has been compiling a list of “different from Hannah” and here they are:
– Benjamin doesn’t burp very much. Hannah burped like clockwork, but it doesn’t seem to matter what position or how long you try to burp him, he doesn’t burp. Unfortunately he does still spit up some (not bad) after feedings, especially bottles, but it’s not enough to warrant harder burp attempts.
– Benjamin got into a normal sleeping pattern faster than Hannah. Hannah’s schedule was completely backwards the first 2 days and it took a couple of weeks before we were getting solid blocks of sleep. Benjamin slept better beginning with day one, or at least we were better prepared for what to expect, but we were getting good blocks of sleep within days.
– Benjamin doesn’t like to have his arms swaddled. From the very beginning, if he couldn’t move his arms, he wasn’t happy. Wasn’t long after that I don’t think he likes his legs tightly wrapped either. Just cover him with a blanket and he’s good. Hannah was really comforted by a full body swaddle.
– Benjamin sleeps without a pacifier most of the time. Really only wants a pacifier to calm him down on occasion, then he’s done with it. Hannah wanted the pacifier all the time, frequent trips to the bassinet/crib to put the pacifier back in her mouth in the middle of the night.
– Benjamin has been having more difficulty breathing, particularly at night when lying on his back. Prefers to sleep on his side. Hannah liked to sleeping face down with her butt in the air as soon as we would let her.
– Benjamin cries much less than Hannah, and that’s hard to do because Hannah was a good baby too.

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