
We have had a whirlwind couple of months. We had a combined birthday party for Nate and Hannah at the end of January. Then we had Nate’s brother Chris, his daughter Audrey, and Nate’s sister Beth come visit for a weekend in February. And we recently had a road trip to Texas so that Nate could attend a conference and the grandparents could play with the kids. The weather is beautiful here and we just broke out the baby pool to play in today.

Hannah is now 2 and continues to amaze us as she grows and develops. She is a crazy daredevil. She loves to hang on the highest bar at the playground and fearlessly jumps off into her Daddy’s arms. She seems to be very right brain oriented (artistic, imaginative, etc) which will probably be an area of frustration for her left brained engineer parents. J She knows all of her colors and recognizes some letters, but has absolutely no interest in numbers or time. She loves to read and she gets to pick out library books about once a week.

Benjamin just turned 4 months old and had his well visit today. He is 18.5 lbs (97%), 26 in (90%), and 42.8 cm head (50%). The doctor says he is the size of an average 9 mo old! He’s been wearing 6-9 mo clothes for a few weeks already. I started feeding him some baby cereal last week because I’m not keeping up with him anymore. The doctor gave me official permission to start him on solids today. Hopefully, that will keep his little tummy full at night and he’ll start sleeping through (wishful thinking, I know). He adores his older sister and focuses on watching her whenever they are in the same room. He is really a great baby, very happy, gurgles and coos and giggles a lot.

Becca is on a new project at work while her old project is in a funding gap. She still enjoys her part-time arrangement and often jokes that she goes to work for some slower paced time. She relishes her time at home with the kids in the afternoons even though some days she is just worn out by the time Nate gets home. She is beginning to feel like the “newborn stage” is almost over and has been sighted still awake after 9:00 a few nights lately. Since this energy is returning, she has resumed chronicling our lives through scrapbooking.

Nate’s work location was sold off recently to Orbital Sciences; the transition will be complete in a few weeks. So we don’t work for the same company anymore. They have been told by the new company that there won’t be any layoffs and there are no plans to relocate the workers at his facility so that is good news for us. We feel fortunate to have some savings in the bank for emergencies and that has kept Nate from being stressed about the whole situation as the rumors were flying. It is unlikely this transition will change any of Nate’s day to day activities, at least for a year or so.

We pray that your 2010 is proceeding well and that you are aware of a fraction of the magnitude of God’s love for you,
The Moehrings

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