Turn the Crank

Well last week I said I was going to try to write a blog every week. I realize now that was probably overly aggressive, even considering the backlog of things I want to write about. But if I don’t make an attempt to write every week, things may never get written. I know all too well that memories fade. It’s amazing to me how little I remember about my past, even during times in my life that I consider life changing. I think this is primarily because I choose to live in the present, but it is frustrating when old friends are reliving a memory with me and are amazed that I don’t remember it. What’s most concerning is the trend. When I was a kid I prided myself on having a good memory. Lately I’ve had to accept that my memory is not what it should be. So what will it be like when I’m old? I hope I will at least have a strong sense of where I have come from and the significant events and people in my life that defined me.

Yet there’s another tendency that I think everyone shares, not just those of us with bad memories. Isn’t it interesting that something that may have seemed so inspirational, so moving, so revolutionary can very quickly fade back into normalcy if not cemented by writing or action? Why is that? Many things I think. For one, I think often times it is because that ‘ah ha’ moment is often coupled with a challenge to us: To take on new disciplines, to shed old habits, to restore relationships, to be a better _______. Challenges are difficult, and it’s our subconscious response to avoid difficulty by diminishing the idea, rather than changing who we are or what we do.

When it comes to spiritual things, I believe that the devil is actively at work immediately following these moments. The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), he doesn’t want us to built up. In fact, it’s when we are built up in the Word or Holy Spirit that he begins to take notice of us. If we were perpetually lost in the dark, he would have no need to steal, kill, or destroy because you would be no threat to him.

So the point is, when God gives you revelation, encourages you, answers prayer, whatever, act on it! Write it down, share it! Do whatever it takes to make it a part of your living testimony of God in your life. If you don’t, it will only be a short while before the memory fades, either by biological or evil forces. In either case, the devil is pleased.

That is why I am here, blogging. It’s more for me than it is for you, but I strongly believe that God will honor these posts, that someone may get a new perspective on God or ask Jesus to work in their lives in the same way he has worked in mine.

I’m sorry I haven’t actually gotten into a particular topic yet, but I feel the need to do more ground work. Let me say more about what these blogs are and are not.

These blogs are not a debate. I will be happy to have direct email, phone, or face-to-face conversation with anyone who may have question or issue with something I say in one of my posts, but I do not desire to get into debates in the Notes comment fields. Rarely are things accomplished this way.

These blogs are not intended to be a well supported research paper, thesis, or structured argument, complete with bibliography and backed by independent research. No, these blogs will record and share the amazing things Christ has been doing in my life and revealing to me. They are experientially based, not factually based. I will from time to time reference a bible verse that I think is significant to me or the topic at hand, but please I understand that I don’t feel the need (nor do I want to spend the time) to fully support every assertion I will make in these posts.

That’s enough for this week. God bless,

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