Mouthpiece for God

One Sunday two ladies in our church felt God stir them to go through each of the classrooms during Sunday School and pray for each child individually. These two ladies are amazing prayer warriors and are very receptive to the Holy Spirit. They sometimes give words of prophecy within our church service and are often involved in physical or spiritual healings. I’ve learned that when they speak, I should listen closely.

Anyway, on this day, when Becca and I just were serving in the nursery, along with Hannah and Benjamin. We work the nursery once a month. When they prayed for Benjamin, one of the ladies was overcome by the Spirit. By this I mean you could see her become physically and emotionally excited, she began to pray more fervently. She said she had a vision that she saw Benjamin standing on my shoulders, boldly proclaiming Christ to people, perhaps leading a revival, being a mouth piece for the Lord. Her interpretation of him being on my shoulders was simply that his faith will build on my faith, a faith legacy passed down to him. Of course, myself being the son of a 3rd generation pastor, obviously that legacy did not start with me.

What do I do with this? On one hand I don’t want to pressure Benjamin into anything, on the other hand I believe the validity of this prophetic word. In either case it reminds me of my priorities and the significance of this job called fatherhood. My job is to raise up our children in faith so that they will know their Father and desire to serve Him.


2 thoughts on “Mouthpiece for God

  1. Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring: All it does for me is validate that we are doing the best job we can with our kids and we should keep it up. I don’t think it puts any new pressure on us or Ben, just God giving us a glimpse of the fruit of his labor. 🙂
    – Becca
    August 30 at 12:03pm

    Gregory Schader: Nate, do not worry about what to do with this. Every son, at some point, wants to grow up to be like their father, so as sons of the Most High God we should just try and focus on being more like Him, then our sons will one day reach the proper age and understanding where they see past us and realize Who it is we really are immulating, they in return will forget trying to become like us (realizing we have flaws and short comings) and seek to be more like their heavenly Father, making us proud earthly fathers and blessed by God!
    August 30 at 6:27pm

  2. The prophecy was again spoken about Benjamin from sister Mary at Gardena Valley Assembly of God in November 2014. She said, “Benjamin is my prophet, he is very prophetic.” Mary is a little African woman who is such a delight and has an amazing faith. Benjamin was 4 years old.

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