I would never . . . (ha)

I’ve decided that it really isn’t a good idea to utter these words “I would never”, even if only in my head because they usually come back to haunt me. Besides, its kinda on the judgmental side of things and I really need to stop that.

Of course, before we had kids we said things like that much more often than we do now. One such instance is that I have noticed stickers on people cars before. My first thought would be, “Who would let their kids do that?” and the second one would be “And if they did, there’s no way I’d get out of the driveway before the stickers were cleaned off by the culprit.”

And now I know better. First of all, I didn’t let my kids do this, you just can’t watch three kids all at the same time all the time. And second of all, this is what I found when I parked in the garage after driving all over town. . .

I didn’t even see them until I got home. I must have gotten in and out of the car 4 times. Crazy! And I don’t know who did it, which makes me even more mad because I don’t let them do stickers anywhere other than at the table and how did I miss this?

So, the moral of the story is. . . Judge not lest your kids put stickers on your car and you drive around town all morning before you notice.

6 thoughts on “I would never . . . (ha)

  1. I didn’t know that Becca was going to blog about this, but I’ll fess up to this. The stickers came out of the van. I saw Benjamin putting the stickers on the car, but I thought it was nice flare. I expected Becca to see it the next time she went out to the car, get a good laugh, and then take them off. When I saw that they were still on the car a couple of days later, I got a good laugh, so I thought it would be fun to see how long they would stay on. Now we know, about 1 week I think.

  2. Don’t know what’s funnier – your post or Nate’s comment. 🙂

    I, too, have found myself saying, “Whoa. What happened to all the wisdom I had before I had three little boys running around…?”

    But me? No, I’d NEVER drive around town with stickers all over my car…

  3. Things change so much when we have kids, right? I can identify with this!
    Yes, the story does get much funnier with your husband’s comments 🙂

  4. This is a Reader’sDigest Funny!!!! You can laugh about this one when you are sitting on the front porch in your rocking chairs and remembering the “good old days”

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