What does Benjamin do all day?

Mostly Ben spends his waking moments pretending whatever toy he has is either a car or a plane and then crashing it. He does this with his cars and trucks, as well as blocks and dominoes, dolls, and any other thing he can find.

Sometimes I worry that I don’t do as much ‘school-like’ stuff with him as we did with Hannah. But he already knows his ABCs and most of his letter sounds, shapes, and he can count to twenty most of the time. He has really good fine motor skills (but doesn’t like to color or draw yet) and he has the gross motor skills of an active little boy. He has good retention of TV shows, books, or movies and will tell you about them later if you ask him. I think he’s probably ahead of Hannah in some areas just from picking up stuff from what I do with Hannah (and did with the foster kids). My biggest concern with him (other than I can’t get him to put #2 in the potty) is that he has lots to say but is still very difficult to understand. He has a huge vocabulary, which probably contributes to the confusion. He says things like ‘actually’ and ‘fantastic’. When I can’t follow his train of thought, he gets frustrated. Another thing that’s different between him and Hannah is that she mostly just wanted to talk and let me listen to her, so an occasional ‘ok’ would keep her happy (even if I wasn’t really listening). But he actually wants me to participate in the conversation and if I just say ‘uh huh’ he knows I’m not paying attention to him. 😉

We’re going to put him in a multi-sport class for the fall. He’ll do a different sport each week. I think he will really like it. It will only be the second class that he has done without Hannah though, so hopefully we don’t have any separation problems. I think he’ll be ok.

After his birthday, I’m going to try to start some early handwriting skills with him and we’ll start working through the P3/4 books so he has his own ‘schooltime’. I ordered the preschool Handwriting Without Tears book and we’ll see how it goes.

Working on our tractor craft. He definately has both of his parent’s tunnel vision (maybe we can call it focus).

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