Benjamin is 3!

Benjamin is pretty amazing! And now he’s 3!

He is 75th percentile across the board. We’re starting to put away some of the size three stuff (at least the stuff that might have shrunk) and might have to break out the 4T stuff in the summer. He only had to get a flu shot, and he did really well, but I hear that the 4 yr shots are the worst.

In some ways he’s ahead of where Hannah was in the school type stuff just from soaking it up from listening to us. He knows all his letters by sight and all their sounds. He can usually count past 20. He sings our bible verse songs and the continent song. The other day he sang the days of the week song and I’ve never even worked on it with him.

He thinks he can fly so all of his gross motor skills are great. He can ride a scooter and a tricycle. I think he could ride the bike with the training wheels, but he still likes the tricycle. He loves to wrestle with Hannah and climb on just about anything.

He’s been starting to play imagination with Hannah a lot. Mostly its her drawing a map and then they make up a story about the magical treasure they are looking for.

He doesn’t color as much as Hannah and he doesn’t have a good pencil grip so that is going to be the first thing we do in “school” when I start P3/4 with him. Mostly we’re just going to have ‘Benjamin time’ where I read his special book for the day, but I’m also going to be intentional about doing something to practice his grip. Either coloring or drawing or tracing the dotted lines. I’m ok with him not being able to write yet because Hannah was just ahead in this area and he doesn’t need to be able to do this for quite awhile yet. We’ll just take it as he’s ready. He also has a hard time pronouncing some sounds. I think we’ll work on telling stories some too to see if he will start to self correct or if he might need some speech therapy. His doctor wanted to have his hearing checked, so we’ll follow up on that.

He’s potty trained during the day but likes to hold on to #2 until quiet time or bedtime. Though I think he’s starting to get the idea that it needs to go in the potty too.

He’s a great kid, only a few whiny moments, fun to be around and cuddle, and usually happy! We love you very much Bubba!

Benjamin’s last year of photos are here!

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