School on the trip

Since we (me and the kids) were going to be gone for about a month, I decided to take some of our school stuff with us and see when we could fit it into our schedule. It was a little bit difficult to decide what to take, but I narrowed it down to some of the main books and workbooks we use. We ended up being able to do roughly 2 weeks of school. There were parts we couldn’t do because I didn’t bring that book and there are parts we are ahead in. After this week, I think we will mostly be back to even on everything across the board.
Benjamin went from scribble-scrabbling with one color (usually black) to actually trying to color in the lines and even started coloring rainbows (see left). He does good with all the capital letters when he tries, but usually he just wants to draw. He completed his handwriting book and took the end checkpoint test. He did really well in everything except he isn’t very good at drawing people with bodies and heads and arms and legs. Mostly this is due to the fact that he likes to draw ‘monsters’ instead with multiple heads, eyes, legs, etc. 😉 He also likes to draw his pictures as he is telling you the story, so they are kind of like comic books that have all the slides on one page instead of spread out. By the end its really hard to tell what anything is. Ben has about 6 weeks left of his P3/4 curriculum. We’ll probably go through a lot of the books again before November when he turns 4 and I start him on the P4/5 stuff.
One day after I asked Hannah to stop making the dots on her i’s so big, she decided to make them hearts instead! Crazy girl.

We also completed the second I Can Read It book while we were on our trip, so we got around to giving her her certificate when we got home. She’s reading tremendously well and continues to make up stories and songs as she goes through her day. Multiple people asked her if she was going to school and she kept telling them no. I asked her why and she said “I don’t GO to school, I do school at home.” I tried to explain to her that she could tell other people that, but she seems content to answer the literal way. 😉 Hannah is on week 16 so we’ll have an update in a couple weeks when we are done with a 6 wk period.

Besides school, we did a bunch of playing and meeting new people and relatives and relaxing. We saw a lot of bugs and new plants and animals. Both kids are pretty much swimming (maybe not efficiently) without floaties now. They were very interested in the lizards (when Ben says it, it sounds like wizards) in FL and would yell every time they saw one. They found a lot of shells at the beach and did some building in the sand. Cousin Rhiley liked the hermit crabs, but my kiddos didn’t seem too interested in them. I think you had to be too patient to wait for them to come out.

Overall, I think we had a good time ‘schooling on vacation’. My kids are good travelers so it makes it fun to start planning another trip for whenever that may happen.

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