Ice Cream

Hannah has realized the secret to happiness as an adult. . . haha. Latest essay.
Now That You Are Grown
Have your parents or teachers ever made you go in time-out as a kid? Perhaps you just sat there sulking for a few minutes, or maybe you were angry at them. But you also might have wondered what it would be like to be an adult. “If I were a grown-up, I would tell my kids what to do all day, and then drive to the ice cream store and buy a treat for myself.” As a kid, you probably idolized adults and couldn’t wait to be one. You believed adults could do whatever they wanted, but you never thought about the difficulties they face. When you finally reach a certain age, move out of your parent’s house, get a job, buy a car, maybe start a family – now, you start to realize how easy it was to be a kid.
One of the things adults have to do daily is eat. When you were younger, you probably never thought about how your food got on your plate. But now that you have matured, you realize there is a lot more to it than you thought. You have to go to the grocery store and then cook the food. If you decide to eat out, you still have to drive there and pay for the meal. Speaking of that, the only way you can pay for it is if you have a job. To get a suitable job, you needed good grades in school. You have to apply for a position and have interviews, and after all that you can still only hope that the business will hire you.
Maybe you always wanted to learn how to drive as a kid and were excited to turn 16. Now that you are an adult, you realize how expensive car repairs and gas is. You also have to face crazy drivers and kids yelling from the backseat. As a youngster, you might have hated school and were impatient for it to end. But now that you have a family of your own, you still have to get your children to and from school.
You start to notice that being an adult isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. There are so many things you have to do every day, and it’s really tiring. You wish you could go back to kindergarten and take naps like you used to. But at the end of the day, at least you can still take yourself to the ice cream store.

1 thought on “Ice Cream

  1. Belinda V Wisdom

    David D Profound

    Cassie W I love the get ice cream idea!

    Donald D Ice cream? Ice cream? Shot of tequila and a cold beer!🤠❤️

    Debbie D She is wise for her age

    Misty B Perfectly said!

    Tanya S Yes, we are never too old for ice cream.

    Shannon C Please give her a copy of this when she moves out

    Shawna K Good job Hannah!

    Ralph H clapping

    Michele G Early to have such insight! Personally, I want to be able to climb a tree, watch the sunset and get back down again, without major injuries.
    Rebecca Diltz Nate Moehring she probably needs to be a little bit older before realizing those additional issues

    Donald B Exceptional. Did she realize that for some adults a timeout or nap is a treat and not punishment?

    Cathy T Wonderful. It took so much love with experience to share.

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