House Fire

One morning.
That is how long it takes to lose your home and possessions.
To me, this is just a rental house and it can be rebuilt. To her, it is everything she had except her people (thank God) and the clothes they were wearing.
So. . .
Buy renters insurance.
Make sure your smoke detectors have fresh batteries.
And pray this never happens to you because it is awful.

1 thought on “House Fire

  1. Sarah M That’s awful! If they have an amazon wish list for items they need please share. We would love to help if we can.

    Norma W That happened to our friends three weekends ago! They had a two story house that I s nothing but ashes now. It was a beautiful log cabin the husband built back in 1980. The investigators do not know what happened. She lost her husband in the fire, her two dogs, her vehicles and two parakeets. She lost everything except what she was wearing. They are in their 70s. She went to Walmart to get her husband’s prescription and received a call from a neighbor saying the house was on fire and two explosions. All happened while she was gone only 45 minutes. The explosions might have been the cars? Investigators are not sure. All that was left was a fireplace. That was three Saturdays ago and it is still smoldering. Say a prayer for her also. God be with the family you know, also.

    Donald D 🙏

    Kerri H This happened to us our first year of being landlords. Unfortunately the tenants sued us and we just settled eventually. At first I was angry at them, but eventually I moved to feeling sad for them. They must have been in a lot of emotional pain to sue us for something that not a single person involved in the suit could find us at fault in. They just wanted someone to blame for their misfortune. 💔

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