Finished 2nd Grade

We finished! We just have a little bit of science and some wrap up stuff to do. We’ll have a short little summer and start school in mid-August.

For family devotions, we have been finishing Joel’s Ranger Kids work. He is really close to being done. Woohoo! For school, Joel has a devotional book called The Ology and a bible memory assignment each week.

In history/social studies, we finished Around the World with Kate and Mack. We also got our timeline figures added. We finished readings from The Usborne Book of World History and Child’s History of the World. For history we read George Muller and Catching Their Talk In A Box. Both great missionary studies.

For Read Alouds we read Gooney Bird Greene, Mountain Born, and Understood Betsey. We also completed National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry for our weekly poetry selections.

Reading / LA had a cursive assignment, weekly spelling test, grammar sheets with Explode the Code 6, and vocabulary practice with Wordly Wise A, and a weekly creative assignment.

Joel finished Frog and Toad Together,  The Big Balloon Race, The Fire CatThe Sword In The Tree, Titanic Lost and Found, and Wagon Wheels. Then Joel would read for additional time in the Magic Tree House series.

Joel’s Science B book was mainly DK Eyewonder Plant. He finished the experiments in Discover and Do 1st Grade with Ginny. His lab book was Usborne Coding for Beginners Using Scratch and we are considering getting him a subscription to Code Kingdoms for next year.

Joel wrapped up Horizons Math 2 and will be doing some Prodigy practice until we start up again.

Summer has been in full swing at Connections since McGregor schools were released. We have ‘summer school’ in the mornings, head to the pool, then back to Connections for regular afternoon activities. Joel tries to get all his work done before it is time to go to the pool so he can join in. Joel needed a trip to the fire station for his fire safety merit, so we took a whole group of kids along. He also got to participate in a scavenger hunt for his end of year party with Active Kids at church. Joel learned how to slaughter chickens (because we had 2 roosters out of 5 chicks) and we got to enjoy one meal on him. We also had a family trip to Nashville to hang out with some cousins in July. Mom and Joel participated in Connection’s Mommy Son challenge event and Joel won the prize for his lego boat.

Mom and Dad have been the really busy ones. We had District Council in early June and Joel got to have fun at Kids Council. We agreed to help run a fireworks stand for July 4th which took up a lot of energy and time and we had two rental houses turnover at the end of May. The kids helped where the could and played games when they couldn’t.

So far a busy summer but fun!

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